Thursday, March 1, 2018

What it's like to hear messages from the other side

I'm throwing in another 'difficult word' here.
Which is the ability to hear messages from the other or another side.
I'm saying this on purpose because I've been told there's not just one 'other side' Which I would love to tell you more about in another blog.
These messages come through the earchakra's which are located on the ears and also have connection to the third eye chakra.
And the messages sound a lot like your own thoughts actually.
The fine difference you get to hear when you become really silent and listen.This might be a known concept to you. Let's say you are in conversation with another person. You would have to be quiet in order to really hear and listen to the other person.
So, how do I know that I am receiving a message from anybody else but myself? 

- There is usually a use of words I do not use myself or never even heard of before. 
- There's clearly a difference in voice. I will hear what the person sounds like.
- They come as an answer to a question I am being asked or am asking. 

- The message will never sound demanding or commanding.
(If this happens it might be something different then just any other good soul or spirit trying to help.)

The biggest challenge here in developing here obviously is to learn how to trust the message.
Our brain very much likes to mingle and say that you are wrong. It is just key to pass the message on.

But there is another process going on. One that I learned from experience. There's still the process of filtering. I will get a bunch of information and messages and it is upto me to ask which information is absolutely essential for me to pass on. Sometimes people are 'not ready' to hear certain things. For example because they are in a sensitive place.

So from who do I receive these other side messages?
That is pretty much the same as my last post. I get angels, guides and passed loved ones to come through.

It is an honor for me to come into contact with these energies and souls.
I also receive messages for myself.
A few months back as I was at a house viewing, I heard the message that this house would have the good potential to make it a real home for us despite of the way it felt and looked back then.
The house had a horrible energy because of the many fights the last residents had in it and it was pretty much falling apart because it was badly taken care of.
I was also last on the waiting list for this place. But I was so sure it would be assigned to me. A whole bunch of other people had to reject it first before I could get it.
It happened!

After a lot of work both in painting and restoring the place and my energy work on the house, it is now so much better.
No suprise I am writing this from the coffee table of this very house and we are well on our way into making it a lovely place.

If you recognize yourself in what I wrote and you would like to speak about it, don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Blessings to all of you,


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