Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What it's like to clairvoyant

I find that very often people mistake clairvoyance for doing predictions, but I wanted to share that there is a lot more to it and give an impression of how it actually works for me.
Being clairvoyant according to the French translation means the following
clair= clear

voyant = vision

I like this definition because it explains pretty well what it's like.
The gift of seeing locates in the third eye chakra.
Which is located right in between the eyebrows.You have to think of it like this it is like there is a little movie playing inside your mind that shows you things.
When I focus on reading somebody's photo or energy I will often see things.
These 'things' can be related to either the past, present or future.

When I see events in the past or present they are usually emotionally loaded events.
The information I am getting about why I see them like that is explained as the following to me by my guide.

Imagine a sea. The waves are emotions. The little waves are your regular emotions. Whenever something occurs that calls out strong emotions the waves grow bigger and flow stronger.
Now imagine these waves as colored energies in the sky that radiate out and connect to somebody else. I believe I see these events because the energy and emotions of these events are so strong I can pick up on them. For example if I were to read somebody who has been recently heartbroken I may see things around the breakup like fighting, or a person physically leaving out the door.

When I see future events it is usually to inform somebody about the possibilities they may have. I say possibilities because we own a free will You can decide not to act upon certain options.
For example: a few years ago I spoke to a man who had been feeling down the dumps and when I focused on him, I saw a pretty, petite lady. It came with a feeling of familiarity. I told him that very soon this lady would come his way and that they were to connect. That it would be somebody that he already knew.
A few months ago I ran into this man again and he told me that they did connect and she had been his girlfriend for over the last few years now.

He could have decided not to connect however. Because that is what free will is.
You may take the road or another one.
Yes, there are events that will happen one way or another because they are in your soul's plan.
But a lot of things we actually decide for ourselves.
And isn't that great to know?

If I were to see that you would have the potential to become a great ballerina, but you would never take lessons, or do auditions you would never end up being a great ballerina because you choose not to.

Other stuff I see are the colors somebody's energy field known as the aura may have. I also do see passed loved ones that come with the people I read for.
And also guides and angels. These guides may stern from a past life or be a passed loved one. Somebody who decided to stick around and help a particular soul with their life.

I also believe clairvoyance can be practiced by training the third eye chakra.
We use the third eye chakra in meditation. When you start to meditate and visualize, you may find that you can get more receptive to seeing.
If you are curious if you may have that potential, feel free to contact me and chat about it. I will be glad to answer your questions and give you guidance. 



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