Saturday, March 3, 2018

What it's like to be high-sensitive

I am highsensitive.
As a matter of fact a lot of people are nowadays. Numbers show that about 15 - 20% of the population are.

So what is it like?
When I was little I used to be able to feel physical pain of others. If a kid were to fall and had a bleeding knee, I would feel the pain in the exact same spot burning up.
I would also be extremely sensitive to headaches and would have headaches all the time. At one point I even made a visit to the doctor and had myself looked. They couldn't find any phsyical and direct cause for the headaches.

I would also feel emotions of others. I remember feeling very drained after playing over at a friend's house. It turned out that her mom was very depressed. Being so young I couldn't place why I'd feel so empty, sad and tired.

But it doesn't stop there. I bet you would not be suprised if I told you that places that have a lot of historical loaded energy can be felt as well.
I remember standing at the gate of a former concentration camp and despair just hit me. I wanted to cry.
It was such an intense atmosphere to be felt.
Taking the tour was something important for me to do to learn about the things that happened, but I was having a very hard day.
That place is also packed with spirits that are stuck there and everywhere I went I felt as if I was being watched and followed. The horrible and haunting smell of the barracks followed me even when I left the camp.
I know it's not very friendly, but I had to tell the spirit that I couldn't help him and ask him to leave me alone.

Back then, I was just way too young and too inexperienced.

There are certain things being highly sensitive that I don't like to do and try to avoid. I think my biggest petpeeves are the rush hours in supermarkets and town on a saturday afternoon. There's just too much going on.
I have been getting better with crowds lately.
As long as it's a positive crowd enjoying themselves I am pretty much good. I have learned and developed techniques that help to protect me from feeling everyone and everything. 

Over the years I learned how to do several grounding, shielding and cleansing techniques to keep myself protected from all the energies around.I will talk more about these 3 spiritual hygienes in another blog.
One very common easy technique to shield yourself is to imagine a big bubble around you. You blow white light into your bubble and that is enough to keep you shielded for a few hours every day.

If you yourself are a high sensitive person, and you are feeling a bit lost on how to protect yourself, my door is always open to you.


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