Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Shield to protect yourself from negative people

I've talked about shielding before.
With the help of shielding you can assure that little to no negative energy will creep into your own energy.
If you are sensitive to the moods of others like me, it can be a challenge to move around in the world.

Let's talk shielding.
Starting the day, you can visualise a bubble around yourself. You imagine that your bubble surrounds your whole body and you can adjust your bubble in size too. I like to work with colors in mine. White light is one of the most commonly used. Advantage is that white is the color of cleansing. So, it will wipe out that negative energy in a heartbeat!

Another neat little trick I use is that I place an outside layer to my bubble for people to 'feed on' 

But before I explain this to you, I should go into what happens when you don't shield. A lot of high sensitives are very positive, loving and compassionate people. Their energy is bright and vibrate high.
Now imagine a person who has been feeling negative lately. They are stuck in a vicious circle and their energy will start to vibrate lower because their thoughts and feelings send negative energy into their own aura. This person needs a recharger.
In meeting you, they will -very often not on purpose- suck your bright and loving energy away like a vacuum.
Leaving you to feel tired and with no energy. They feel a little better now.
Sometimes it happens that people purposely suck the energy out of you. They notice that they start to feel better around you and want to spend time with you. Then we could call them psychic vampires.

Now back to my outside layer. What I like to do is to imagine a layer of pink and loving light around my shield. People are free to feed on that layer of loving and pink energy. I should stress that it's not my own energy, but I tapped it from connecting to the source. It is love and light energy available to all.
My shielding will still be effecient to protect myself and people will receive loving and bright energy when they need it.

Now you need to maintain your shielding throughout the day by sending it some energy. Usually I take my moments around lunch and diner time to redo it.
Or if I am in a sticky situation I excuse myself briefly to the bathroom.

The wonderful thing is that like grounding, shielding could help everyone.
It will center you in your own powerful energy so that you don't have to bother with bits and pieces of other people's negative vibes.

Emergency shielding comes in when I completely forgot about my shielding as could happen and I have to do it straight away. That's when I ask archangel Michael to come in for protection.

If you would like to know more about shielding, then I will be so happy to chat with you!

Let me know your struggles and wins.


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