Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Shield to protect yourself from negative people

I've talked about shielding before.
With the help of shielding you can assure that little to no negative energy will creep into your own energy.
If you are sensitive to the moods of others like me, it can be a challenge to move around in the world.

Let's talk shielding.
Starting the day, you can visualise a bubble around yourself. You imagine that your bubble surrounds your whole body and you can adjust your bubble in size too. I like to work with colors in mine. White light is one of the most commonly used. Advantage is that white is the color of cleansing. So, it will wipe out that negative energy in a heartbeat!

Another neat little trick I use is that I place an outside layer to my bubble for people to 'feed on' 

But before I explain this to you, I should go into what happens when you don't shield. A lot of high sensitives are very positive, loving and compassionate people. Their energy is bright and vibrate high.
Now imagine a person who has been feeling negative lately. They are stuck in a vicious circle and their energy will start to vibrate lower because their thoughts and feelings send negative energy into their own aura. This person needs a recharger.
In meeting you, they will -very often not on purpose- suck your bright and loving energy away like a vacuum.
Leaving you to feel tired and with no energy. They feel a little better now.
Sometimes it happens that people purposely suck the energy out of you. They notice that they start to feel better around you and want to spend time with you. Then we could call them psychic vampires.

Now back to my outside layer. What I like to do is to imagine a layer of pink and loving light around my shield. People are free to feed on that layer of loving and pink energy. I should stress that it's not my own energy, but I tapped it from connecting to the source. It is love and light energy available to all.
My shielding will still be effecient to protect myself and people will receive loving and bright energy when they need it.

Now you need to maintain your shielding throughout the day by sending it some energy. Usually I take my moments around lunch and diner time to redo it.
Or if I am in a sticky situation I excuse myself briefly to the bathroom.

The wonderful thing is that like grounding, shielding could help everyone.
It will center you in your own powerful energy so that you don't have to bother with bits and pieces of other people's negative vibes.

Emergency shielding comes in when I completely forgot about my shielding as could happen and I have to do it straight away. That's when I ask archangel Michael to come in for protection.

If you would like to know more about shielding, then I will be so happy to chat with you!

Let me know your struggles and wins.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Grounding makes you feel like you can do anything

I once heard: 'Grounding makes you feel like you can do anything'
But what exactly is it?

I am of opinion that the more you are dealing with your senses being finetuned and helping others by passing messages on, the more you have to have your feet on the ground.
When you think of a psychic usually there is this stereotypical images of a hippie lady staring into a crystall ball. But that is not what the reality of it is.

Grounding is the first of the 3 spiritual hygienes and it is something that would  benefit everybody!

It is very simply: your connection with mother nature. I am not a fan of camping, but what I always did love about it is all the wonderful fresh air and your biorhythm being set back to what it's supposed to be. I always felt so rested.
And mother nature is a great natural recharger for our energy and bodies. We all experience that our energy is mostly in our head. When we worry a lot, you will automatically lose touch with your body. We kind of live up in our heads, don't we? So, imagine that our energy should be divided throughout our bodies evenly, but all the energy just floats in that one upper bit of your body. Your head, yo!
Some people are also natural dreamers and that is also what makes their energy float away. For them it's a challenge to be in the present moment and stay there.

The first way you can achieve grounding is by simply spending more time out in nature. Remember how I started my post?
It really helps! It refreshes your energy and a good walk clears your head. What also happens and what we don't really see on a first sense level is that we establish an energetic connection to nature around us. I can make a simple energetic connection with a tree and use it's roots to keep my feet on the ground.

Nice and sturdy.

Taking a seasalt bath is also a good way to ground. It's a double win, because it also works cleansing for you.
Embrace those seasalt scrubs.

Alternatively there are great visualisation tecnhiques that really work very well may you have no time to dip in a bath or take a walk.
And it can be done in only five minutes.

And why does grounding make you feel so confident? If you think about how firm a big tree can be and how it's roots are so strongly into the ground that nothing can push it over, you may understand why.
Because many of the visualisation techniques actually use the tree as the example. The energetic connection is actually what can make you experience just that.

Do you have any experience in grounding?

Or tips you'd like to share?
Please share them in the comments.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

What it's like to be high-sensitive

I am highsensitive.
As a matter of fact a lot of people are nowadays. Numbers show that about 15 - 20% of the population are.

So what is it like?
When I was little I used to be able to feel physical pain of others. If a kid were to fall and had a bleeding knee, I would feel the pain in the exact same spot burning up.
I would also be extremely sensitive to headaches and would have headaches all the time. At one point I even made a visit to the doctor and had myself looked. They couldn't find any phsyical and direct cause for the headaches.

I would also feel emotions of others. I remember feeling very drained after playing over at a friend's house. It turned out that her mom was very depressed. Being so young I couldn't place why I'd feel so empty, sad and tired.

But it doesn't stop there. I bet you would not be suprised if I told you that places that have a lot of historical loaded energy can be felt as well.
I remember standing at the gate of a former concentration camp and despair just hit me. I wanted to cry.
It was such an intense atmosphere to be felt.
Taking the tour was something important for me to do to learn about the things that happened, but I was having a very hard day.
That place is also packed with spirits that are stuck there and everywhere I went I felt as if I was being watched and followed. The horrible and haunting smell of the barracks followed me even when I left the camp.
I know it's not very friendly, but I had to tell the spirit that I couldn't help him and ask him to leave me alone.

Back then, I was just way too young and too inexperienced.

There are certain things being highly sensitive that I don't like to do and try to avoid. I think my biggest petpeeves are the rush hours in supermarkets and town on a saturday afternoon. There's just too much going on.
I have been getting better with crowds lately.
As long as it's a positive crowd enjoying themselves I am pretty much good. I have learned and developed techniques that help to protect me from feeling everyone and everything. 

Over the years I learned how to do several grounding, shielding and cleansing techniques to keep myself protected from all the energies around.I will talk more about these 3 spiritual hygienes in another blog.
One very common easy technique to shield yourself is to imagine a big bubble around you. You blow white light into your bubble and that is enough to keep you shielded for a few hours every day.

If you yourself are a high sensitive person, and you are feeling a bit lost on how to protect yourself, my door is always open to you.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

What it's like to hear messages from the other side

I'm throwing in another 'difficult word' here.
Which is the ability to hear messages from the other or another side.
I'm saying this on purpose because I've been told there's not just one 'other side' Which I would love to tell you more about in another blog.
These messages come through the earchakra's which are located on the ears and also have connection to the third eye chakra.
And the messages sound a lot like your own thoughts actually.
The fine difference you get to hear when you become really silent and listen.This might be a known concept to you. Let's say you are in conversation with another person. You would have to be quiet in order to really hear and listen to the other person.
So, how do I know that I am receiving a message from anybody else but myself? 

- There is usually a use of words I do not use myself or never even heard of before. 
- There's clearly a difference in voice. I will hear what the person sounds like.
- They come as an answer to a question I am being asked or am asking. 

- The message will never sound demanding or commanding.
(If this happens it might be something different then just any other good soul or spirit trying to help.)

The biggest challenge here in developing here obviously is to learn how to trust the message.
Our brain very much likes to mingle and say that you are wrong. It is just key to pass the message on.

But there is another process going on. One that I learned from experience. There's still the process of filtering. I will get a bunch of information and messages and it is upto me to ask which information is absolutely essential for me to pass on. Sometimes people are 'not ready' to hear certain things. For example because they are in a sensitive place.

So from who do I receive these other side messages?
That is pretty much the same as my last post. I get angels, guides and passed loved ones to come through.

It is an honor for me to come into contact with these energies and souls.
I also receive messages for myself.
A few months back as I was at a house viewing, I heard the message that this house would have the good potential to make it a real home for us despite of the way it felt and looked back then.
The house had a horrible energy because of the many fights the last residents had in it and it was pretty much falling apart because it was badly taken care of.
I was also last on the waiting list for this place. But I was so sure it would be assigned to me. A whole bunch of other people had to reject it first before I could get it.
It happened!

After a lot of work both in painting and restoring the place and my energy work on the house, it is now so much better.
No suprise I am writing this from the coffee table of this very house and we are well on our way into making it a lovely place.

If you recognize yourself in what I wrote and you would like to speak about it, don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Blessings to all of you,


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What it's like to clairvoyant

I find that very often people mistake clairvoyance for doing predictions, but I wanted to share that there is a lot more to it and give an impression of how it actually works for me.
Being clairvoyant according to the French translation means the following
clair= clear

voyant = vision

I like this definition because it explains pretty well what it's like.
The gift of seeing locates in the third eye chakra.
Which is located right in between the eyebrows.You have to think of it like this it is like there is a little movie playing inside your mind that shows you things.
When I focus on reading somebody's photo or energy I will often see things.
These 'things' can be related to either the past, present or future.

When I see events in the past or present they are usually emotionally loaded events.
The information I am getting about why I see them like that is explained as the following to me by my guide.

Imagine a sea. The waves are emotions. The little waves are your regular emotions. Whenever something occurs that calls out strong emotions the waves grow bigger and flow stronger.
Now imagine these waves as colored energies in the sky that radiate out and connect to somebody else. I believe I see these events because the energy and emotions of these events are so strong I can pick up on them. For example if I were to read somebody who has been recently heartbroken I may see things around the breakup like fighting, or a person physically leaving out the door.

When I see future events it is usually to inform somebody about the possibilities they may have. I say possibilities because we own a free will You can decide not to act upon certain options.
For example: a few years ago I spoke to a man who had been feeling down the dumps and when I focused on him, I saw a pretty, petite lady. It came with a feeling of familiarity. I told him that very soon this lady would come his way and that they were to connect. That it would be somebody that he already knew.
A few months ago I ran into this man again and he told me that they did connect and she had been his girlfriend for over the last few years now.

He could have decided not to connect however. Because that is what free will is.
You may take the road or another one.
Yes, there are events that will happen one way or another because they are in your soul's plan.
But a lot of things we actually decide for ourselves.
And isn't that great to know?

If I were to see that you would have the potential to become a great ballerina, but you would never take lessons, or do auditions you would never end up being a great ballerina because you choose not to.

Other stuff I see are the colors somebody's energy field known as the aura may have. I also do see passed loved ones that come with the people I read for.
And also guides and angels. These guides may stern from a past life or be a passed loved one. Somebody who decided to stick around and help a particular soul with their life.

I also believe clairvoyance can be practiced by training the third eye chakra.
We use the third eye chakra in meditation. When you start to meditate and visualize, you may find that you can get more receptive to seeing.
If you are curious if you may have that potential, feel free to contact me and chat about it. I will be glad to answer your questions and give you guidance. 

